HeyBigMan! proudly provides creative and design support to Ni Nyampinga, a youth media brand which aims to empower girls in Rwanda, helping to unlock their true potential by challenging current perceptions, showcasing female role models and providing skills and advice regarding education, sexual health and domestic violence.
In 2017 Ni Nyampinga launched their Turamurika 'Together we shine' campiagn. HeyBigMan! helped bring the campaign to life assisting with content and creative for the campiagns nationwide roadshow,
billboards, bus shelter advertising and community stories which were displayed across the country. We most recently helped with the development of the digital mural, comprising of art collected from the roadshows.
HeyBigMan! regularly visits Rwanda helping provide active onhand support for the organisation.
Our latest creation for the organisation was a animated digital advertisment for Ni Nyampinga's first ever TV show 'Sakwe' displayed in the countries capital Kigali.